What is the GAMELIT & LitRPG Series “The Age of the Behemoths”?


Hunter, hunted...
Or dare to tame the Behemoths?

In the untamed wilds of Aluria, where colossal creatures roam and ancient magic thrives, one rule reigns supreme: hunt or be hunted.

Enter Age of the Behemoths, a thrilling gamelit and litrpg adventure series that thrusts you into a primal world where your survival depends on mastering the art of the hunt.

Step into the boots of Noah Parker, an unassuming IT technician seeking escape from the mundane. In the virtual realm of Age of the Behemoths, he becomes a hunter, venturing into breathtaking landscapes where colossal beasts hold dominion. These creatures range from the legendary Wyverns and Leviathans to completely unique monstrosities.

In this system, every resource, weapon, piece of armor, and epic loot is earned through the thrill of the chase and the spoils of victory. Noah must learn to track, hunt, and harvest from the very giant monsters that could crush him with a single blow. Experience colossal encounters with epic scale fights and visceral combat battles.

But Age of the Behemoths is more than just a game. With cutting-edge technology, the lines between virtual and reality blur. Noah soon uncovers whispers of a dark mystery that threatens the very fabric of the game and the lives of its players.

Will Noah rise to the challenge and become a legend? Or will he succumb to the perils of the wilds and the shadows that lurk within this mysterious epic fantasy?

The hunt begins NOW.

Click here to sign up to our newsletter to get access to Chapter 2, get notified on the book’s exact release date and to keep updated on the latest exciting news!

When will the first book of the series of new releases be published on Amazon Kindle Unlimited?

LitRPG Books and GameLit from the series ' The Age of the Behemoths' to be released in Spring 2024 as new releases on Amazon Kindle Unlimited meaning you can read it free with a subscription. The fantasy novel is set during the primal age when colossal beasts would inhabit and roam the land. To be released as audiobooks in future. No podcast. No web novels nor harem.

Top 20 All Time Best LitRPG Books 2024 (Updated)

As the LitRPG genre continues to mesmerize readers with its imaginative fusion of literature and role-playing game elements, 2024 has seen an array of exceptional books that have set new benchmarks. Here are the top 20 LitRPG books that have captivated audiences with their intricate worlds, deep character development, and innovative game mechanics to provide escapism from real life.

  1. A Summoner Awakens 2: Ascension: (A Deck Building LitRPG) by Kerberos

    "A Summoner Awakens 2: Ascension: (A Deck Building LitRPG)" carves its place as number one in the LitRPG genre not just through its innovative deck-building mechanics, but also through its deeply woven narrative and complex characters. The story, rich with both triumph and tribulation, follows Rowan and his party – Aurora, a driven young woman seeking truths, Nathaniel, grappling with his legacy, and Rowan himself, an experienced mentor with the weight of guiding this diverse group. LitRPG books like this not only entertain but also immerse the reader in a vividly constructed world.

The genius of this book lies in its balance. The author skillfully balances the strength and limitations of the card-based magic system, avoiding the trap of an overpowered protagonist. This approach keeps the tension high and the battles intellectually stimulating. The narrative pace, though brisk, unfolds layers of a mysterious tower setting, keeping readers hooked with a tantalizing blend of discovery and enigma.

Critics of pacing and character development, particularly the portrayal of relationships and character ages, highlight the challenges of crafting a LitRPG that resonates with a broad audience. Yet, these elements don't detract from the overall quality. Instead, they offer a prism through which readers can view the narrative's complexities. LitRPG books often face such balancing acts, striving to blend traditional literary elements with game-like aspects.

The book’s climax and cliffhanger are especially praiseworthy. The author chooses to end on a note that clearly delineates this adventure from the next, leaving readers eagerly anticipating the subsequent installment. The detailed presentation of each character’s deck, though seen as cumbersome by some, adds depth to the world-building, making the experience more immersive.

Overall, "A Summoner Awakens 2: Ascension" stands as a testament to LitRPG's potential. It blends humor, strategy, and character depth, appealing to fans of not just LitRPG but also strategic card games. The book is a journey through a richly imagined world where every choice and card played weaves into the larger tapestry of an enthralling adventure. It's this masterful blend of storytelling, game mechanics, and character development that secures its position as the top read in the LitRPG genre.

2. "He Who Fights with Monsters" by Shirtaloon Renowned for its wit and deep character arcs, this book leads the pack with its unique blend of humor and fantasy. "He Who Fights with Monsters" is a shining example of LitRPG books that manage to balance a light-hearted tone with a gripping narrative.

3. (My Personal Favorite) "The Primal Hunter" by Zogarth Zogarth's work is lauded for its intense action and rich lore, presenting a survival tale in a game-like world. LitRPG books like "The Primal Hunter" are notable for their ability to immerse readers in a world that is both fantastical and relatable. https://www.audible.com/pd/Epic-Audiobook/B079RNL8S3

 4. "Dungeon Crawler Carl" by Matt Dinniman Featuring a unique premise and engaging storytelling, this book by Matt Dinniman stands out for its creative approach and memorable characters. Like many LitRPG books, "Dungeon Crawler Carl" takes readers on an adventure filled with challenges and discovery.

5. "Endless Online" by M.H. Johnson Blending virtual reality with real-world stakes, this series is a captivating mix of adventure and reality. LitRPG books such as "Endless Online" skillfully navigate the intersection of virtual experiences and real-life consequences.

6. (Staple) "Awaken Online" by Travis Bagwell Known for its exploration of moral ambiguity, this series offers a complex and psychologically rich narrative. As with other LitRPG books, "Awaken Online" challenges readers to consider the ethical dimensions of virtual realities and their impact on the real world.

7. "The Land" by Aleron Kong A seminal work in LitRPG, praised for its expansive world-building and complex game mechanics. The influence of LitRPG books like "The Land" on the genre cannot be overstated, as they set a high bar for storytelling and imaginative game-like environments.

8. "Life Reset" by Shemer Kuznits This novel's portrayal of starting anew in a game world is both compelling and resonant. In the realm of LitRPG books, "Life Reset" stands out for its exploration of identity and the possibilities of a second chance within a virtual setting.

9. (Translated) "Ascend Online" by Luke Chmilenko A balanced mix of action, strategy, and character development, blurring the line between game and reality. LitRPG books such as "Ascend Online" exemplify the genre's ability to merge the excitement of gaming with the depth of traditional narrative storytelling.

10. "Play to Live" by D. Rus Offering a dystopian vision of the future, this series is known for its imaginative storytelling. LitRPG books like "Play to Live" reflect the genre's versatility, adeptly combining elements of science fiction, fantasy, and gaming.

11. "Dungeon Born" by Dakota Krout A novel perspective from a sentient dungeon, showcasing innovative storytelling. In the LitRPG genre, books like "Dungeon Born" push creative boundaries, offering readers unique perspectives and gaming experiences.

12. "Ritualist" by Dakota Krout Blends traditional fantasy with LitRPG, featuring a rich world and a well-developed magic system. Like many other LitRPG books, "Ritualist" captivates its audience with a compelling fusion of familiar fantasy tropes and gaming mechanics.

13. (Not Traditional LitRPG) "Sufficiently Advanced Magic" by Andrew Rowe A hybrid of LitRPG and traditional fantasy, notable for its detailed magic system and challenging puzzles. Although not a conventional LitRPG, books like "Sufficiently Advanced Magic" contribute significantly to the genre's diversity and appeal.

14. "Chaos Seeds" by Aleron Kong Captures the essence of adventure in a game-like universe with a strong focus on character development. LitRPG books in the "Chaos Seeds" series exemplify how immersive world-building and character growth can create a gripping reading experience.

15. "Threadbare" by Andrew Seiple Noted for its unique protagonist and heartwarming story amidst intricate game mechanics. This is one of the LitRPG books that beautifully blend emotional storytelling with the excitement and structure of role-playing games.

16. "The Wandering Inn" by Pirateaba A mix of charm, humor, and depth in a vast world filled with intriguing characters and complex dynamics. "The Wandering Inn" is among those LitRPG books that offer a vast, evolving world that readers can get lost in.

17. "Battlemage Farmer" by Seth Ring Seth Ring's addition to the genre is celebrated for its unique blend of magic and agrarian life in a virtual setting, creating a compelling narrative that combines the simplicity of farm life with the complexity of magical battles. In the LitRPG books landscape, "Battlemage Farmer" stands out for its original concept and engaging storyline.

18. "The Completionist Chronicles" by Dakota Krout Krout's series is admired for its detailed world-building and engaging narrative that combines humor with high-stakes adventure. LitRPG books like this series effectively blend lighthearted moments with gripping action, appealing to a wide range of readers.

19. "Stonehaven League" by Carrie Summers This series stands out for its strong female lead and innovative approach to crafting and village building within the game world, offering a fresh perspective in the genre. LitRPG books with such a focus are important for diversifying the genre and broadening its appeal.

20. "Divine Dungeon Series" by Dakota Krout Krout's series is a blend of traditional dungeon core stories with LitRPG elements, known for its unique perspective and engaging plot development. The inclusion of such innovative LitRPG books enriches the genre, offering readers a variety of themes and experiences.

Each of these top 20 LitRPG books of 2024 has contributed significantly to the evolution of the genre. From the humor and character development in "He Who Fights with Monsters" to the innovative dungeon core perspective in the "Divine Dungeon Series," these novels have expanded the boundaries of LitRPG. They offer readers an array of immersive experiences, from intense action and complex strategy to intricate world-building and deep character arcs. As the genre continues to flourish, these books stand as pillars of LitRPG literature, providing a gateway to worlds where fantasy and reality merge, and where every reader can find an adventure to their liking.

 We've not added Cinnamon Bun as it is more of a Isekai web serial. You can find more info specifically on that one here:


My top Litrpg on RoyalRoad, which has recently been published by Portal Books, is Azarinth Healer.
More information can be found here:


Exploring the Pioneers and Standouts of LitRPG: Royal Road, James Hunter, Andrew Seiple, "Dodge Tank," and "Dungeon Crawler Carl"

In the ever-evolving landscape of literature, the LitRPG genre has carved out a unique and fervent niche. Central to this genre's growth and popularity is the platform Royal Road, alongside notable authors like James Hunter and Andrew Seiple, and standout works such as "Dodge Tank" and "Dungeon Crawler Carl." This article delves into how each of these elements has contributed to the burgeoning world of LitRPG books.

ROYAL ROAD: A BREEDING GROUND FOR LITRPG INNOVATION Royal Road, a user-driven publishing platform, has become a beacon for budding and established LitRPG authors. It's a space where writers can serialize their stories, gather feedback, and grow a dedicated readership. This platform's democratized approach has been instrumental in the genre's expansion, providing a testing ground for new ideas and storytelling techniques.

The significance of Royal Road lies in its community-centric model. Authors receive immediate responses from readers, allowing them to adjust and evolve their stories in real time. This interactive process has not only honed the skills of numerous writers but has also led to the creation of works that resonate deeply with the LitRPG audience. The platform's role in fostering a sense of community among fans and writers alike cannot be overstated.

JAMES HUNTER: WEAVING STORIES WITH A MASTERFUL TOUCH James Hunter is a name that resonates within the LitRPG community. His stories are characterized by their intricate plots, well-developed characters, and innovative use of game mechanics. Hunter's ability to weave compelling narratives that blur the line between game and reality is nothing short of masterful. His works, such as the "Viridian Gate Online" series, have not only entertained but also set a high standard for what LitRPG books can achieve.

Hunter's writing is notable for its depth and detail. He crafts worlds that are rich and immersive, with lore that is both complex and captivating. His characters are multi-dimensional, facing not just external challenges but internal conflicts as well, making them relatable to a broad spectrum of readers.

ANDREW SEIPLE: CRAFTING UNIQUE PERSPECTIVES IN LITRPG Andrew Seiple's contribution to the genre is marked by his distinctive approach to storytelling. His works, including the "Threadbare" series, stand out for their unique blend of humor, adventure, and heart. Seiple's ability to infuse life and personality into unconventional protagonists – like a sentient golem – showcases his creativity and versatility as a writer.

What sets Seiple apart is his knack for turning traditional fantasy tropes on their head, offering readers fresh and unexpected narratives. His stories are not just about the adventure and the leveling up; they're about exploring themes of identity, morality, and the nature of consciousness, all wrapped up in engaging, game-like scenarios.

"DODGE TANK": A TESTAMENT TO LITRPG'S DIVERSITY The novel "Dodge Tank," by Rick Scott, exemplifies the diversity of storytelling within the LitRPG genre. The book combines the adrenaline rush of high-stakes gaming with the emotional depth of real-world consequences. It's a story that captures the essence of what makes LitRPG books so appealing: the seamless blending of an immersive game world with the complexities of everyday life.

"Dodge Tank" is more than just a story about a game; it's a narrative that explores themes of sacrifice, responsibility, and the struggle to balance virtual achievements with real-world relationships. The protagonist's journey is as much about personal growth as it is about in-game progression, making it a compelling read for both gamers and non-gamers alike.

"DUNGEON CRAWLER CARL": REDEFINING GENRE BOUNDARIES "Dungeon Crawler Carl," penned by Matt Dinniman, is a standout work that pushes the boundaries of the LitRPG genre. With its unique blend of dark humor, gripping action, and a post-apocalyptic setting, the novel offers an unconventional take on the genre. The story revolves around Carl and his feline companion Princess Donut, navigating a bizarre and deadly game-world Earth. Dinniman's skill lies in his ability to balance the absurdity and humor of the situation with tense, high-stakes scenarios, creating a narrative that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.

The genius of "Dungeon Crawler Carl" lies in its subversion of typical LitRPG tropes. Dinniman merges elements of survival, horror, and dark comedy with the traditional game-like progression systems, resulting in a story that feels fresh and unpredictable. The characters are crafted with depth and nuance, making their struggles and triumphs resonate with readers. The novel is a testament to the versatility of LitRPG books, demonstrating that it can encompass a wide range of themes and tones.

CONCLUSION: THE EVER-EVOLVING WORLD OF LITRPG The LitRPG genre, still in its relative infancy, continues to grow and evolve, driven by the creativity and innovation of platforms like Royal Road and authors like James Hunter, Andrew Seiple, and others who dare to push the boundaries. Works like "Dodge Tank" and "Dungeon Crawler Carl" not only entertain but also challenge and expand our understanding of what the genre can be.

Royal Road's role as a crucible for emerging talent cannot be overstated. It's a platform where experimental ideas can be tested and refined, and where authors and readers can engage in an ongoing dialogue about what they love about LitRPG books. This interactive process is crucial for the evolution of LitRPG, ensuring that it remains dynamic and responsive to its audience's tastes and expectations.

Authors like James Hunter and Andrew Seiple contribute to the genre's richness and depth, offering stories that are not only about fantastical adventures and leveling up but also about exploring deeper themes of identity, morality, and the human condition. Their works demonstrate the potential of LitRPG to be not just a form of escapism but a lens through which we can examine and reflect on our own world.

"Dodge Tank" and "Dungeon Crawler Carl" are prime examples of how diverse and versatile LitRPG can be. They showcase the genre's ability to encompass a wide array of themes and styles, from heart-warming and humorous to dark and gritty. These works remind us that at its core, LitRPG is about storytelling – about transporting readers to worlds where they can experience the thrill of adventure and the complexity of human emotions.

In conclusion, the LitRPG genre, with its blend of literature and gaming elements, continues to captivate and surprise readers. Through platforms like Royal Road and the creative minds of authors like James Hunter, Andrew Seiple, and many others, the genre is constantly being redefined and enriched. As it continues to evolve, it promises to bring even more innovative, engaging, and thought-provoking stories to its ever-growing fanbase.

The LitRPG genre, a brilliant amalgamation of traditional literature and the immersive mechanics of role-playing games, has continually evolved, reaching new heights of creativity and storytelling depth. In 2024, this genre has not only maintained its momentum but has also seen a surge in the quality and diversity of its offerings. The top 20 LitRPG books of this year are not just stories; they are entire universes unto themselves, offering readers an escape into realms where fantasy and real life coalesce in unexpected and thrilling ways.

What makes these books stand out is their ability to intricately weave complex worlds that feel both expansive and intimately detailed. Authors have pushed the boundaries of world-building, creating environments that are not just backdrops for their narratives but are integral characters in their own right. These worlds are rich with lore, history, and an internal logic that makes them believable and immersive. Whether it's a dystopian future where virtual reality offers the only escape, or a fantastical realm with its own set of rules and magic, each world is crafted with meticulous care, inviting readers to lose themselves in its depths. LitRPG books have mastered this art of creating vibrant, living worlds that are as crucial to the story as the characters themselves.

Character development in these top LitRPG books is another aspect where authors have excelled. Protagonists and supporting characters are not mere pawns moving through the plot; they are fleshed-out individuals with motivations, flaws, and growth arcs that resonate with the reader. The journey of a character from an ordinary individual to a hero or anti-hero is often laden with challenges, moral dilemmas, and personal growth, making their stories not just entertaining but also emotionally engaging. The interplay between characters and the game-like elements of their worlds adds an extra layer of complexity to their development, making their journeys unique to the LitRPG genre.

Innovation in game mechanics is a hallmark of these books. Authors have experimented with traditional RPG elements like leveling up, skill acquisition, and questing, blending them seamlessly into their narratives. This integration isn't just superficial; it often plays a crucial role in plot development and character progression. The mechanics are thoughtfully designed to complement the story, adding an element of strategy and excitement that keeps readers engaged. From intricate magic systems to complex combat sequences, the game elements are both imaginative and integral to the plot. LitRPG books excel in this aspect, offering a distinct reading experience that is both intellectually stimulating and emotionally satisfying.

The top 20 LitRPG books of 2024 represent a maturation of the genre. They exemplify a perfect balance between the escapism of gaming from real life and the narrative depth of traditional literature. These books are more than just entertainment; they are windows into worlds where every action has a consequence, where characters grow and evolve, and where the lines between reality and fantasy blur. They invite readers to embark on journeys full of challenges, wonders, and adventures, making the LitRPG genre a continually evolving and captivating field in the literary world.

In the realm of immersive and addictive reading experiences, LitRPG books have carved out a unique niche, blending the intrigue of literary fiction with the dynamic mechanics of role-playing games. This article will guide you through the best LitRPG books, highlighting top LitRPG series and the finest LitRPG audiobooks, ensuring that your next reading adventure is both enthralling and fulfilling.

"What is LitRPG?".LitRPG Reads. June 2019. Retrieved 8 September 2020.


Good LitRPG Books: Your Gateway to Adventure For those new to LitRPG, starting with "good LitRPG books" is essential. These books lay the groundwork for understanding the genre's conventions, such as in-game leveling, character development, and immersive world-building. Titles like "The Land" by Aleron Kong and "Awaken Online" by Travis Bagwell are superb examples, offering a perfect blend of compelling storytelling and RPG elements.

Best LitRPG Books: The Cream of the Crop The "best LitRPG books" are those that not only exemplify the genre's characteristics but elevate them. Look for books that have garnered critical acclaim and a strong fan following. Series like "The Completionist Chronicles" by Dakota Krout and "Ascend Online" by Luke Chmilenko are often cited for their intricate plots, well-developed characters, and innovative integration of game elements.

LitRPG Series: Epic Sagas to Dive Into A great LitRPG series takes you on a longer journey, allowing deeper character development and more complex world-building. Series like "He Who Fights with Monsters" by Shirtaloon and "The Way of the Shaman" by Vasily Mahanenko are renowned for their expansive narratives and immersive gaming elements, making them top choices for avid readers of the LitRPG books genre.

Top LitRPG: The Must-Reads When searching for "top LitRPG Books," consider books that have consistently topped the charts and received rave reviews from both critics and readers. These are the titles that have defined and pushed the boundaries of the genre.

Best LitRPG Book Series: Where Quality Meets Quantity The "best LitRPG book series" not only offer captivating stories but also a consistent level of quality across multiple books. Look for LitRPG books where each installment contributes meaningfully to the overarching narrative and character arcs.

Level Books for Reading: Graduating Your LitRPG Experience "Level books for reading" refers to LitRPG books that are suitable for various reading levels and preferences. Whether you're a beginner in the genre or a seasoned veteran, there's a LitRPG book that matches your reading level and taste.

Best LitRPG Audiobooks: A Listening Adventure For those who prefer listening over reading, the "best LitRPG audiobooks" bring these fantastical worlds to life through engaging narration. Audiobooks like "Life Reset" by Shemer Kuznits and narrated by Jeff Hays, offer an immersive audio experience that enhances the story of all these LitRPG books.

In conclusion, whether you're a seasoned gamer or a literary enthusiast, the world of LitRPG books have something to offer. From the best LitRPG books to the most captivating series and audiobooks, this genre promises a thrilling adventure at every turn. Explore these recommendations and prepare to be transported into realms where your imagination and the thrill of the game become one.

In this case, we're delving into the dynamic and rapidly growing world of virtual reality (VR) gaming, with a particular focus on popular VR titles in LitRPG books like "Viridian Gate Online," "Relic Online," and "Ascend Online." These LitRPG books are at the forefront of the VR gaming revolution, offering immersive experiences that are redefining the boundaries of digital entertainment.

Virtual Reality: A New Frontier in Gaming Virtual reality has transformed the gaming industry, offering an unparalleled level of immersion. VR gaming allows players to step inside their favorite worlds, experiencing them in a way that traditional gaming cannot match. This technology has not only enhanced the gaming experience but also broadened the scope of what's possible in digital storytelling and set the foundations for LitRPG books.

Viridian Gate Online: More Than Just a Game "Viridian Gate Online" is a shining example of how VR gaming is evolving. These LitRPG books are not just a digital playground but a fully-realized universe with its own lore, characters, and challenges. It's a testament to how VR can create deeply engaging and complex worlds that captivate players' imaginations.

Relic Online: Unearthing Virtual Adventures Another gem in the VR gaming world is "Relic Online." This game combines the thrill of discovery with the immersive nature of VR, allowing players to explore and uncover mysteries in a way that feels both exciting and genuine. These LitRPG books showcase how VR can be used to craft unique and compelling narratives.

Ascend Online: Elevating VR Gaming "Ascend Online" takes VR gaming to new heights with its innovative gameplay and rich storytelling. These LitRPG books exemplifie the potential of VR to create complex, multi-layered worlds where every choice has consequences, and every adventure feels profoundly personal.

The Impact of VR on Gaming and Beyond The advent of LitRPG books like "Viridian Gate Online," "Relic Online," and "Ascend Online" marks a significant milestone in the evolution of digital entertainment. These LitRPG books offer more than just escapism; they provide immersive experiences that blur the line between reality and fiction, challenging players to engage in ways previously unimaginable.

In conclusion, the rise of virtual reality in gaming, exemplified by  LitRPG books titles such as "Viridian Gate Online," "Relic Online," and "Ascend Online," represents a seismic shift in how we experience digital narratives. These LitRPG books are not just entertainment; they are gateways to new worlds, offering immersive adventures that redefine the boundaries of imagination and technology. As VR continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative and captivating experiences that will continue to revolutionize the gaming landscape.

So now that you know about my specific LitRPG books in the ‘Age of the Behemoths' series, if you are new to this niche genre of gaming literature then you are probably wondering what are LitRPG books and GameLit.

For gamers, geeks and/or fantasy/scifi enthusiasts, LitRPG books more specifically encompass Role-playing Games within Literature (hence the name). As such I see it as taking influence from not only RPGs within video games i.e. Western RPGs, JRPGs, real-time action based and turn-based, MMORPGs, but also from board games and tabletop role-playing games for which Dungeons and Dragons is the most popular and for me personally the most inspiring with its rich world building and storytelling mechanics. I see it as an amalgamation and synergy of MMORPGs and D&D.

GameLit books on the other had are more broader as it forms the umbrella parent class in which these LitRPG books fall within. GameLit is not specific to the RPG genre and as such can be stories about any other genre within gaming like first person shooters, simulation games, strategy games etc.

Crunchy vs Light

When perusing the fast growing selection of novels available, you will come across a spectrum of stories ranging from crunchy to light. For those new to these terms that form part of this genre's jargon, crunchy books are referring to books that contain a lot of statistical information on the characters, game interface, HUD, prompts, callouts, indicators etc.

Whereas light LitRPG books refer to novels that include only the most necessary elements in a much more condensed manner to maintain the story's flow and is more aimed at readers who are more concerned about the story elements rather than very detailed number tracking.

The books that you will read vary wildly between the two and you may even find that you enjoy both.

With ‘Age of the Behemoths', I have gone crunchy as I want the reader experience to not only feel like you are in a story, but to make use of the genre fully and as such provide a reader experience that feels like you are actually in the game playing it for yourself. As a hardcore gamer I enjoy the finer details and I'm sure many of you will feel the same. It adds so much more detail and depth to the world-building. It adds to the believability and immersion. I feel like it maintains the pros of the original TTRPGs like Dungeons and Dragons having the finer detail their to add to the experience by allowing to build and grow and thereby flourish. Adding flavour in so many aspects of the game.

How to write LitRPG Books

Game designers design games very intricately to ensure the player experience is rewarding and exciting throughout adding variety and challenge as the player progresses all the while ensuring that the challenge is not unfair. This is the same for GMs (Game Masters) and DMs (Dungeon Masters) in TTRPGs, therefore it seems only natural that it would apply to LitRPG too.

This genre is still new and finding it's way, however, it's great that it is organic enough to allow flexibility as that way it can cater to many different reader's needs.

A lot of the new releases start out as web novels or as a podcast and then later into kindle unlimited and/or audiobooks. It is very popular on reddit

Common Tropes

It does, however, already have its common tropes such as a real world and virtual world, an MMORPG, VR, leveling, abilities, game lives, dungeons, overpowered main characters (with op mc), play as an unplayable character etc. It is still somewhat lacking in utilising a female protagonist.

Its also growing so rapidly containing subgenres and categories like Harem, No logout, Isekai/Portal Fantasy, Wuxia, Cultivation, Kaiju and GrimDark etc.


I feel that the area that still requires growth is within the technologies that it makes use of because for the most part it revolves around VR (virtual reality) with some exceptions of AR (augmented reality - flat 2D overlay) and Mixed Reality/XR (extended reality - 3D depth capabilities). In some cases, some books incorrectly refer to AR when they are actually referring to XR. With ‘Age of the Behemoths', I have added more technologies due to my passion of technology. I have incorporated Blockchain technology as well as Deep Learning AI among other things. For the most past other novels in the genre make use of quantum computing and haptic feedback, but that is where it usually stops.

Although other than VR, some books make use of immersion pods (which are very similar to VR kits) or they enable the player to transmit their data from the real world to the virtual world. However, this could technically still fall under quantum computing with quantum states.

Background and inspirations

I think it is self evident that my inspirations are from the many video games I have played as well as board games, pen and paper games, choose your own adventure books, card games, TTRPGs, D&D, YA, the Adventure Zone podcast, comics like Critical Role's Vox Machina and the Mighty Nein, fantasy etc.

The Drizzt books by R.A. Salvatore are one of my favourites as is J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and the Shannara novels by Terry Brooks. Not to mention the Witcher series by Andrzej Sapkowski.

I also incorporate ideas from other media such as music, television and primarily literature, but also from nature, memories, experiences, emotions etc.

There are so many muses and the story creates itself only asking to be told so that it may be released and so that other may experience it and make it their own.

It all goes back to the roleplaying that we do as little children. Our very first storytelling and games combined when we play. Our very first LitRPG creations.

I'm so excited by this genre as although it's still so new, it has been there from the very beginning. We have gone full circle.

Imagination is such a beautiful and powerful thing. It provides meaning. It is how we harness magic. Don't lose sight of it. Make use of it and enjoy.

Not only am I a writer, but I'm also an avid reader and reviewer. As such I will suggest my personal top books of the genre which I will update on a regular basis.


  • Occultist (Saga Online #1) - A Fantasy LitRPGby Oliver Mayes (Portal Books)

    My personal all time favourite LitRPG book. Of all the books that I've read so far in the genre, I have really enjoyed the pacing of this book as it gets straight into the action. It is professionally written and edited and the formatting is aesthetically appealing for a book in this genre which can get messy with the crunchy stats. There are some great twists along the way. I had fun reading about the MC's struggle and growth and the unique and humorous abilities that he gained. Most of all I'm very fond of the imps and demon companions and the world building. I also like how it incorporates streaming with the fame of followers as well as the theme of betrayal in such an impactful way. Whether you are new to the genre or a veteran, I think you will find this book a highly enjoyable read.

  • Life Resetby Shemer Kuznits

    This is another of the litrpg books that I really enjoyed and highly recommend because it reminded me so much of my own personal MMO experiences. It felt like I was playing in a guild again. It is also rare to find a book in literary rpg that ties up the real world and virtual world so well and the rare case where I actually found myself enjoying the real world scenes too. I also really liked the twist which was very similar to my favourite book and the virtual assistant companion added a nice touch adding more flavor.

  • Reborn Apocalypseby L M Kerr

    You will enjoy reading these LitRPG books if you enjoy dystopian wuxia and interesting magic and world mechanics. I like the different layers used as a level mechanic.

  • The Land Founding (Chaos Seeds: Book 1)by Aleron Kong

    A fun read. The thing I enjoyed most about this series is that unlike the previously mentioned books where it was mainly about a single player, this one added various players to the party. The other positives were the different lands and the items.

    Having been drawn from a fantasy MMORPG to a pocket of the universe where a similar game is veritable, James, by and by calling himself Richter, explores his new condition and flames a long outing to step up and transforming into an amazing, destabilizing influence. Not the most irrelevant piece of his central focuses is that he gets the chance to restore in existence in the wake of death. Aleron Kong every now and again comes in for a lot of investigation, somewhat not related to the books yet his self-progression, which fuses the case that he is the 'father of LitRPG'. The books, in any case, are worthy. Legitimate, there are deficiencies, strikingly how shallow are most by far of the characters, especially the female ones, and for some perusers, the amusingness wears worn out at some point or another. Regardless, any sensible idea of this plan should perceive that it does a couple of things very well. The course of action is all around explained, the game is an authentic test and the peruser's responsibility with the methodology by which Richter acquires new apparatus, charm and capacities has the influence that many quest for in LitRPG books. For Sound, having a ton of tables doesn't work so well anyway in the made books, going with Richter as he completes missions and builds impact is persuading and fun.

  • Dungeons of Strataby G.D. Penman

    This novel reminds me a lot of my favourite book, The Occultist, mentioned above which makes it no surprise that it is in my top 5 too.

  • Scamps and Scoundrelsby Eric Ugland

    Already the cover of the book enticed me to read it as it looks like the cover to an actual game which I thought was a really nice touch. And where I don't judge a book by a cover, this novel did not disappoint in the least.

  • Monster Hunter NYCby Harmon Cooper

    This book's unique selling point which I relish in is the fact that not only does it include Kaiju monsters, of which I'm a great fan, but also builds upon AR technology rather than the usual LitRPG books trope of a VR MMO. It is in the similar vein of the Pokemon Go game using Augmented Reality so the game mechanics take place along the real world with virtual elements. Technically it is more of Mixed Reality or Extended Reality (MR or XR) as the elements are aware of depth and not simply overlayed which makes more sense for  LitRPG books. However, it is never described as such which is a shame. It is also worth mentioning that it contains Harem.

  • Worth the Candleby Alexander Wales

    For those of you like me who enjoy DnD and TTRPG of which many LitRPG books and GameLit readers are, this book I feel contains the closest feel to it. Originally a web serial, it is very verbose and not for the faint hearted reader, but extremely enjoyable nonetheless.

  • Survival Questby Vasily Mahanenko

    A crunchy LitRPG that is by one of the original top writers in the genre. I really enjoyed how cleverly balances the statistics in this book were. Superb work as it can get really complex.

  • Mythianby John L.Monk

    A soft LitRPG that is great for those new to the genre as it eases you in taking on the newbie stance at the start. I also like the hook in the story where the MC is searching for his wife through the game. It adds a lot of drive, mystery and incentive to the reader.


One that is not on the list, but really should be, is AlterWorld. With the game being released in 2014, it centres around the theme of a pandemic on Earth (a flu). Is it art imitating life or life imitating art?

While waiting for Age of the Behemoths, why not read the litrpg and gamelit books mentioned above or if you're all caught up then here are some recommended gamelit books that have only recently been released:


  • The Mechanical Crafter by R. A. Mejia

  • Cryo Knight by Tim Johnson

  • Temper: An Apocalyptic LitRPG series by Xander Boyce, Luke Daniels et al.

  • Into the Storm: A Fantasy LitRPG Adventure from the Axe Druid Series by Christopher Johns


It's so great to see how this young genre is adapting and growing at such a rapid pace and as such there are so many great books to read out now. There are too many to mention, but these were some of the ones that I felt deserved mentioning.

Happy Reading fellow LitRPG and GameLit readers!

Enjoy :)

Satirical History of the genre

I love great fiction. In any case, I invest the majority of my book energy tuning in to "OK" science fiction, dream, and secret books on Perceptible. I pepper in works of art and true to life, yet nothing spends my Perceptible credits superior to mash about enchantment blades, cerebrum inserts, and private investigators. Two or three weeks back I'd completed or surrendered all my current book recordings, and chose to discover something new for the drive. Spontaneously, I composed in "cyberpunk" in the Discernible inquiry bar to check whether there's something I've missed. What I discovered was not cyberpunk. It was this: Survival Quest (The Way of the Shaman: Book #1), by Vasily Mahanenko. Here are things I detest about this book from the start: 1. The name Survival Quest. It resembles calling an excursion film "Excursion Drive" 2. How totally pompous and flavorless I can envision the hero, depends on this portrayal. On the off chance that there's one thing I've found out about books, you can and should pass judgment on them by their spreads. The stylish decisions of the distributer gives you a ton of data on what you're going to place in your cerebrum. Be that as it may, the book had two things making it work: 1. Over 500 surveys with near a five star normal 2. It's about a person who gets caught in a MMO So I purchased the book. Also, everything changed for me. See, going inside an Amazing style MMO as a plot component in science fiction isn't unfamiliar to me. I have two or three books in my Discernible assortment with this figure of speech: Daemon, by Daniel Suarez; Stopping State, by Charles Stross; and Ready Player One, by Ernest Cline. I additionally have a genuine paper duplicate of Neal Stephenson's Reamde on a rack some place, yet who has the opportunity to peruse books with eyeballs? Crushing EXPERIENCE AND Rigging Endurance Journey was unique, however. It is anything but a book about shared online encounters, or about the haziness of genuine/virtual differentiations. It's not even truly "sci-fi," as in it doesn't appear to offer any conversation starters for sure if situations for a creative peruser to unload. No, Endurance Journey is about what MMOs are in reality about: pounding experience and rigging. It's a novel about the delight of step up. Truly. The hero (pretentious and flavorless, as I expected), is detained in a full inundation VR container to carry out his jail punishment in a MMO copper mine. He feels torment completely from each rodent nibble, and the weariness of working on mining hubs throughout the day, yet he additionally feels an addictive rapture when he step up his character's gem making ability. MMOs are commonly offered to us as great dream undertakings, yet they're truly and really about min-maxing. Without a doubt, you can kill your mind for some time and follow some journey lines. Possibly read the NPC discourse. Be that as it may, when it's an ideal opportunity to quit fooling around you pull open your detail sheet and begin perusing. Computer games stow away the "dice rolls" that used to be so evident in tabletop RPGs, and it's the gamer's business to rediscover the math behind their prosperity and enhance it.